Newton is a natural, organic biostimulant seed treatment which promises vigorous crop establishment minus the stress.
Helping farmers produce higher yields and nutritious, better quality food to feed the world, is at the heart of what we do, and we’re pretty passionate about it!
We’re a results driven, leading adjuvant and biostimulant business helping to optimise the performance of crop protection inputs and improve plant health.
About usWe have an extensive range of adjuvants, water conditioners, soil care and anti-drift agents to help you get the most from your weed, disease and pest control programmes. Our class leading biostimulants are designed to help your crops reach their genetic yield and quality potential by reducing abiotic stress and improving plant health.
Newton is a natural, organic biostimulant seed treatment which promises vigorous crop establishment minus the stress.
Backrow Max is a specialist activator adjuvant designed to power residual herbicide performance in the toughest of weather and application conditions, helping to take down yield-robbing weeds once and for all.
Kantor is a unique adjuvant designed to optimise the delivery of pesticides at every stage of the spraying process in order to maximise performance and yield in a wide range of crops.
Use our solution finder to learn more about the issues affecting the performance of crop protection products and plant health. We have a range of solutions to help address the barriers to product efficacy at every stage of the spray delivery process and growth stage of the crop to maximise yield.
The characteristics of water used in the spray tank can have a profound influence on the effectiveness of crop protection products. Click on the issue below to find out how we can help.
One of the most important characteristics of the spray water impacting the effectiveness of some pesticides is the pH - its relative acidity or alkalinity. Water with a pH higher than 7 is alkaline, lower than 7 is acidic. Many crop protection products undergo a chemical reaction in the presence of alkaline water known as alkaline hydrolysis. The more alkaline the water the faster the breakdown, reducing absorption into the leaf. The addition of a buffering agent to the spray water is an easy and economical way to guarantee maximum results from your pesticide application.
How to solveWater hardness is a measurement of the total amount of calcium and magnesium ions in water: the greater the concentration of these and similar minerals, the harder the water. Conversely, water becomes “soft” as dissolved calcium and magnesium ions are replaced with sodium or potassium ions. Poor water quality can adversely influence the pesticide by reducing solubility and decreasing absorption by the target pest/leaf, resulting in inferior performance and the need for re-treatment. Hard water in the spray tank can be easily treated by the addition of a water conditioner when filling the sprayer with water.
How to solveThe mixing of pesticides with hard water in the spray tank can sometimes lead to the formation of scum on the walls of the tank. This is because charged calcium and magnesium ions present in the water react with the pesticide active ingredients to form an insoluble substance, known as scum. This can be prevented with the use of a suitable water conditioner.
How to solveTank mixing offers flexibility, saves time and may increase pesticide efficacy but only products fully dissolved in the spray tank will be "available" to the crop/weed/pest. Complex tank mixtures and molecules can be hard to dissolve, particularly in cold water, and lead to sedimentation in the tank exposing the crop to weed, pest, disease or phytotoxicity threats. Tank mix compatibility can be improved by using an adjuvant specifically designed to keep products fully dissolved in the spray tank over time.
How to solveThe formation of foam in the spray tank can be a problem if it gets out of control. If foam builds up it can quickly fill the tank and cause overspill and contamination. Whilst foaming is unlikely to influence efficacy, it can slow down the filling process considerably, lead to loss of product and leave residues on the tank walls. The problem can be avoided by simply adding an anti-foaming agent at the point of filling.
How to solveCorrect delivery of the spray to the target is absolutely essential in order to be able to deliver crop protection active ingredients to where they are needed. Click on the issue below to find out how we can help.
Spray drift is the single biggest cause of off-target chemical movement, can delay spraying and reduces the required dose of active ingredient where it is actually needed. It reduces coverage and can therefore impact the effectiveness of weed, disease, and pest control programmes. The addition of a suitable adjuvant with drift reducing properties will optimise coverage, dose and remove any risks to off-targets.
How to solveThe effective performance of crop protection inputs is not just reliant on good timely spraying, but is also down to good retention on the target, adequate coverage and ultimately delivering crop protection active ingredients inside the leaf to get to their target site of action. Click on the issue below to find out how we can help.
Leaching occurs when a crop protection product is dissolved in water and moves down through the soil profile. It can be an issue with some herbicides, particularly in light soils which lack organic matter to bind to. Herbicide leaching can be an issue for several reasons: the herbicide may leach to groundwater; leach to the crop root zone causing crop damage; and may impact weed control by leaching away from germinating weeds. Leaching can be prevented by using a suitable soil acting adjuvant which is designed to improve retention in the top 5cm of the soil profile.
How to solveSurface characteristics of the leaf influence retention (and spreading) of the spray solution on the leaf surface. Typical water retention for Barley is <5%; Oilseed Rape 20-40%. Small weeds and hairy leaves can also be difficult targets to hit. When a spray droplet lands on a leaf it may be retained or it may bounce/run-off. Droplets with a high dynamic surface tension, such as aqueous fungicides, can frequently bounce off exposing the leaf/ear. The addition of a suitable adjuvant will prevent bounce/run-off and ensure the crop protection product is retained on the leaf.
How to solvePoor coverage on the target can lead to unwanted weed, disease or pest problems and will be dictated by the leaf surface and the "spreadability" of the pesticide. Surface characteristics of the leaf influence spreading of the spray on the leaf surface. Typical water retention in barley is <5%; in oilseed rape it is in the region of 20-40%. Small targets, hairy leaves and wheat ears for example, can be very difficult targets to hit. Poor coverage is often the result of high dynamic surface tension between the pesticide and the leaf surface. The addition of a suitable adjuvant will increase coverage. Poor coverage can also be caused by drift. For more information on the problems associated with drift, please see the drift issue section under "Spraying".
How to solveOne of the most effective ways to improve the efficacy of pesticides is by increasing the penetration of the active ingredient into leaves/pests. The cuticle is the most challenging barrier for the uptake of pesticides, particularly at low temperatures. Adjuvants can help to improve uptake either disrupting the waxy leaf layer, or by concentrating the number of active ingredient molecules at the leaf surface which permeate via a diffusion co-efficient. The principle also applies to soils. Poor uptake of water and nutrients can be the result of poor soil structure. A suitable soil conditioner can help to improve soil structure allowing roots to permeate.
How to solveIn addition to our adjuvant and biostimulant technology, we also offer several protection products - soil protection and protection for podded crops against pod shatter. Click on the issue below to find out how we can help.
Financial, time, soil health and biodiversity losses from wind erosion can be immense, not to mention the long-term implications on food and farming security from losing large volumes of soil from the field. All types of light sandy soil are susceptible to wind blow and this occurs when fine and coarse soil particles are carried away by the wind. Soil blow can be managed by building a wind break around exposed fields and/or using a soil stabiliser to "cap" the soil and prevent it blowing away.
How to solvePod shatter in oilseed rape and legumes occurs from the swelling of ripe pods in wet weather, and contracting in dry weather. In the run up to a late harvest brittle over-mature crops are particularly at risk of pod shatter, as plants become older and drier with age. Pod shatter, triggered by extreme weather events in the run up to harvest, typically results in yield reductions of between 8-12%, but losses of up to 50% are not unheard of as a result of hail storms and heavy rain. The use of a pod sticker applied either with, or before, the desiccation spray can reduce pod shatter, minimising seed loss at harvest. This will also minimise volunteers in the next crop.
How to solveBuilding healthier crops with greater resilience to the effects of climate change, with greater ability to reach their genetic yield potential is becoming more and more important. Find out how our solutions can help to improve plant health by clicking on the issue below.
Abiotic stress is the term used to describe environmental stresses such as cold, drought, heat, salinity and heavy metals that impact the growth and productivity of plants. Abiotic stress is reported to to be the biggest single cause of crop loss worldwide with yield losses of 70% possible in extreme cases and is recognised as a major threat to food security. Such effects bring about changes in plant metabolism, growth and development and as such, many crops will perform only at 30% of the genetic potential under abiotic stress conditions. Building resilience into cropping systems to help crops combat the effects of abiotic stress is becoming increasingly important as a changing global climate leads to more severe frequent weather extremes as we saw in 2018. Amino acid biostimulants can help reduce abiotic stress by improving plant health.
How to solvePhotosynthesis is the most important chemical process of plants that uses carbon dioxide, water and light energy to synthesise sugars to power all metabolic processes within the plant. This critical function is influenced by amino acids. L-Glycine and L-Glutamic acid are essential metabolites for chlorophyll synthesis and tissue formation. These amino acids raise the concentration of chlorophyll in plants. More chlorophyll means greater absorption of light energy, which in turn increases photosynthesis. Amino acid biostimulants offer the opportunity to and improve the metabolism of the plant, in order to optimise growth and development.
How to solveThe rooting ability of crops is not only vital for anchorage, but critical for the uptake of water and nutrients, particularly during periods of abiotic stress. For a plant to capture adequate water and nutrients, it needs a root length density (RLD) of at least 1cm length per cm3 of soil, known as the critical RLD. Whilst most modern wheat plants usually have that in the top 30-35cm of soil, the average RLD falls short of what a plant needs. Amino acid biostimulants containing high levels of L-Tryptophan - a fundamental precursor of rooting - can increase plant rooting significantly.
How to solveAvailability of nutrients to the crop are critical to plant health and development. However, nutrients can become inaccessible due to their molecular structure and ionic charge. One of the most significant roles amino acids play is in enhancing the bioavailability of nutrients. L-amino acids work to ‘hide’ these unavailable minerals so the plant can absorb and transport the minerals. Supplementing the crop with a suitable amino acid biostimulant containing L-Glycine and L-Glutamic Acid will therefore help improve nutrient uptake.
How to solveIn this case, we are not referring to soil fertility, but crop pollination and fertility. It is one of the most important phases of development within the plant and extremely energy intensive due to the high levels of amino acids required. L-Proline increases pollen fertility; L-Lysine, L-Methionine and L-Glutamic Acid increase pollen germination and the length of the germ tube; L-Histidine helps to ripen fruit; L-Alanine, L-Valine and L-Leucine help to ripen fruit. These amino acids must be readily available to the crop in order to maximise pollination and fruit set. By supplementing the crop with an amino acid biostimulant high in these L-amino acids, we can optimise pollination and fruit set in order to optimise yield and quality.
How to solveAll organic food sold in the EU has to be certified by registered certification bodies. For example, Soil Association Certification Limited is the UK’s largest and oldest organic certification body, licensing over 70% of the organic food on sale in the UK. For a food product to be labelled as organic, every organisation working up and down its supply chain – from farmers, to packers, to food processors, and organic retailers have to meet organic standards. Only chemicals certified for organic use may be applied to the crop. As a result, the crop protection tools available for use in organic systems is very much restricted with few options available. Interagro's biostimulant Bridgeway is certified by the Soil Association and Organic Farmers and Growers in the UK for use in all organic crops without restriction.
How to solveRequire technical assistance or product information? Please get in touch with Will Ramsay.
For all other general enquiries, please email or call us at the office. If you’d prefer, drop us a message using our contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.