Pack Size: 10L and 1,000L
Disclosure: Image of container represented differently
The biostimulant to nourish and protect
Bridgeway is the leading amino acid and peptide biostimulant that promotes healthier, higher-yielding crops by stimulating growth, optimising resource-use-efficiency and increasing immunity against stressful growing conditions. Rich in all vegetal amino acids critical to growth, metabolism, nutrition and defence, Bridgeway is the natural renewable solution for growers looking to more resilient and sustainable crop production. Sourced exclusively from plants, Bridgeway provides triple action power through biostimulation, nutrition, and anti-stress action to nourish and protect crops under increasingly adverse growing conditions. This page provides information about Bridgeway. For trials results and our latest information please click here.
Key situations in which to use Bridgeway
- Help build robust root systems in winter and spring crops to increase ability for water and nutrient scavenging at depth
- Prior to fertiliser applications to minimise leaf scorch and optimise nutrient uptake and assimilation in the plant
- To optimise the chelation of metal ions within the plant
- Pre-T0 + T0 in moderate and high input wheat varieties to build the plant’s natural defences against invading diseases
- Early sugar beet establishment to maintain photosynthesis and increase tap root bulking - 3 applications optimal
- At T1 and T2 in barley to minimise stress which is a trigger for ramularia
- In the tank with ethephon-based PGRs in wheat and barley to minimise stress to the crop and reduce lodging and brackling to protect yield and quality
- Support recovery from abiotic, biotic and chemical stress. Apply ahead of anticipated stress for best results
- In potato crops to maintain photosynthesis during heat stress (>25oC) so tuber bulking can be maintained for yield – 2 to 3 applications optimal
- At the key stages of development In organic systems – all crops - to optimise plant health and protect against abiotic and biotic stress
Power crops, secure yield
Key benefits
Stimulates growth, strengthens all plant parts
Bridgeway contains high levels of root stimulating amino acids and peptides that increase the lateral roots and root length density of plants. The more robust and expansive root systems enable crops to capture nutrients readily available in the soil and leached water and nutrients lower down. Building strong root systems with Bridgeway early in the life of the crop ensures the supply of water for photosynthesis and transpiration that is needed for highly efficient crop production. The stimulation of growth regulating phytohormones also promotes shoot growth and biomass production, supported by more abundant resources to optimise plant growth and development.
Maximises nutrient uptake, transport and use
Bridgeway increases nutrient uptake and the translocation of both macro- and micro-nutrients within the plant, by changing root morphology, improving micronutrient mobility in the plant, and by increasing activity of NO3-assimilation enzymes. The small molecular weight of L-glycine and L-glutamic acid, natural chelating agents, also support the assimilation of metals such as Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu, by making them more readily absorbable through roots and leaves. Supplementing crops with Bridgeway offers huge potential to increase nutrient-use-efficiency and enhance the quality and health of plants.
Speeds up photosynthesis
Bridgeway increases chlorophyl production in plants, increasing the rate of photosynthesis. The higher glucose production provides more energy for crop growth which is particularly advantageous at key development growth stages when energy demand is high. The ability of Bridgeway to help stabilise photosynthesis during the season is key to protecting the yield and quality potential of the crop when abiotic and biotic stress would usually reduce the plant’s energy supply, suppressing growth.
Supports the defence systems of plants
Bridgeway provides an immediate supply of stress-acting amino acids that signal the defence systems of plants, avoiding the recycling of proteins to amino acids at huge cost to the plant. Under low temperature, water deficit, salinity stress, and high UV exposure, stress-busting proline accumulates in cells where it is needed to suppress oxidative stress, and secure osmotic balance to maintain cell turgor when water is limited. Under heat stress, Glutamic Acid (in high concentration in Bridgeway) acts as an osmotic agent triggering stoma to open, enabling photosynthesis, water and nutrient absorption to continue, even during stressful growing conditions. Bridgeway helps plants to adapt to stressful growing conditions and rapidly resets the balance between stress resistance and growth, critical to secure yield and quality potential.
100% plant derived and approved for use in organic crops
Bridgeway contains all 18 L-amino acids exclusively of plant origin
Value in use
Optimises plant growth and development
Increases nutrient-use-efficiency
Supplies more energy to the crop
Protects against abiotic and biotic stress
Only amino acids of plant origin can be fully assimilated by the crop
Bridgeway is suitable for use in both organic and conventional farming systems without any restrictions. Produced to food grade quality and exclusively plant derived, Bridgeway is suitable for vegans, vegetarians, certified GM free and guaranteed free of contamination by E.coli, Salmonella and heavy metals. This is important for crops destined for human consumption, offering excellent agronomic and economic advantages for growers and value chain.
How Bridgeway works
Reduces abiotic stress
Bridgeway contains high levels of L-Proline which helps counteract the effects of abiotic stress, and L-Serine which increases resistance to stress. If the crop has all the amino acids it needs from Bridgeway, it will not need to self destruct by breaking down the proteins (it has made for other important processes in the plant) to produce the amino acids required to aid stress recovery and repair. Feeding a crop Bridgeway produces fitter plants with greater tolerance to abiotic stress.

Increases the rate of photosynthesis
Bridgeway contains high levels of key amino acids L-Glycine and L-Glutamic Acid, critical to the production of chlorophyll in plants, and vital components of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the most important chemical process of plants that uses carbon dioxide, water and light energy to synthesise sugars to power all metabolic processes within the plant. This critical function is influenced by the amino acids L-Glycine and L-Glutamic acid, essential metabolites for chlorophyll synthesis and tissue formation. These amino acids raise the concentration of chlorophyll in plants. More chlorophyll means greater absorption of light energy, which in turn increases photosynthesis. Bridgeway increases the rate of photosynthesis, increasing the metabolic efficiency of plants. Wheat plants treated with Bridgeway have shown increases in sucrose (energy) production of up to 39% in-season, and 15% by the end of June.

Stimulates rooting
Bridgeway contains high levels of L-Tryptophan, a fundamental precursor of rooting. The rooting ability of crops is not only vital for anchorage, but critical for the uptake of water and nutrients, particularly during periods of crop stress. Bridgeway increases root growth, improving the crop’s access to water and nutrients. Research at the University of Nottingham shows that Bridgeway increases rooting significantly in Winter Wheat and Spring Barley, in both stress and non-stress situations. Root increases of >40% were observed.

Increases the bioavailability of nutrients
Bridgeway contains high levels of L-Glycine and L-Glutamic Acid, increasing crop access and uptake to macro and micro nutrients. Availability of nutrients to the crop are critical to plant health and development. However, nutrients can become inaccessible to the crop due to their molecular structure / ionic charge. L-Glycine and L-Glutamic Acid play a vital role in enhancing the bioavailability of nutrients. Bridgeway increases nutrient uptake, producing healthier crops that can build yield for longer.

Increases pollination & fruit set
Bridgeway contains high levels of all amino acids required in this important final stage of growth – L-Histidine; L-Proline; L-Methionine; L-Glutamic Acid; L-Alanine; L-Valine and L-Leucine. These amino acids must be readily available to the crop in order to maximise pollination and fruit set. It is one of the most important phases of development within the plant and extremely energy intensive due to the high levels of amino acids required. By delivering these amino acids directly, Bridgeway promotes pollination and fruit set, building both crop yield and quality in the final trimester before harvest.

Approved for use in organic crops without restriction
Bridgeway contains all 18 L-amino acids required by plants. It is produced exclusively from plant materials through a process called enzymatic hydrolysis. Bridgeway has been verified and is permitted for use on all organic crops throughout the growing phase without restriction.

Bridgeway benefits proven in trials and reported from the field

How to use Bridgeway
- For best results apply ahead of crop stress and maintain applications at the key stages of crop development. For specific crop and timing recommendations, please request a copy of our product guide below or contact our Technical Manager, Stuart Sutherland.
- Bridgeway is miscible with the most common crop protection products and fertilisers. Testing for compatibility is recommended
- Avoid mixes with Centurion Max
- When using Bridgeway in Sugar Beet, the use of oil must be avoided
- Bridgeway is available to purchase through HL Hutchinsons
Application rate per hectare
1.0 - 2.0 L/ha at each application depending on the crop and time of application. Request a copy of our product guide for specific crop recommendations
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