Pack Size: 1,000 L IBC
Disclosure: Image of container represented differently
Power to protect soils for longer
All types of light sandy soil are susceptible to wind blow and this occurs when fine and coarse soil particles are carried away by the wind. Soil health and biodiversity losses from wind erosion can be immense, not to mention the crop damage from exposure of seed to frost and pest attack; uneven germination/variation in bulb size from variable temperatures; and poor weed control from pre-emergence herbicide loss. Mortar is a soil stabiliser designed to provide season-long protection to light and black organic soils against wind blow. This in turn protects the seed, fertiliser and crop protection inputs and ultimately protects crop yield and margin.
Key situations in which to use Mortar
- On light sandy or black organic soils prone to wind blow
- High value crops to protect the seed and inputs applied at establishment
- Wind exposed sites with light soils
Power to protect soils for longer
Key benefits
6-8 weeks protection from wind blow
Mortar binds soil particles in the top few millimetres of soil to create a cap on the soil surface which persists for at least 6 to 8 weeks, preventing soil particles being blown away during crop establishment.
Application possible through conventional farm sprayer (with care)
Mortar is a water-based formulation designed for use through conventional farmer sprayers. Mortar is easy to handle, an easy rinse solution that can be applied without a specialist contractor if sufficient care is taken to clean the sprayer adequately before and after use.
Value in use
Best protection for crop establishment, crop yield/quality and soil health
Mortar offers growers the best available protection from wind blow. Mortar delivers 1 to 2 weeks longer protection than market standard Emupol in 1 not 2 applications.
Operation under grower control.
With good sprayer hygiene, Mortar offers growers the ability to protect soils using their own equipment.
How Mortar works
Mortar caps soil
Mortar binds soil particles in the top few millimetres of the soil to form a cap that prevents the soil being blown away by the wind.
How to use Mortar
- Apply Mortar 3 to 4 days post drilling to enable soil to compact naturally. Ideally applications should be made pre-emergence of the crop using a coarse nozzle
- Sprayer hygiene before and after spraying with Mortar is essential
- It is essential that any spray equipment has been properly cleaned (full procedure followed) with a tank cleaner (e.g. All ClearTM Extra) prior to Mortar use. Failure to do so may result in cross contamination, which will affect the viscosity of the mix and may block your sprayer
- After application, repeat the tank cleaning procedure
- Interagro take no responsibility for poor sprayer hygiene resulting in blocked application equipment
Application rate per hectare
150 litres of Mortar in 850 litres of water