Spray drift puts your crop & off-targets at risk
Spray drift puts your crop and off-targets at risk so every precaution should be taken to minimise it.
Spraying pesticides on your fields is one of those jobs where the margin for error is pretty narrow, both in terms of accomplishing the mission and protecting neighbouring fields. Timely on-target spraying is crucial for delivering the maximum dose and coverage your agrochemical needs to do its job, when it needs it. It’s also key to prevent damage to off-targets nearby.
But spray drift is a risk to every application – some formulations can be particularly drifty. Such challenging conditions can put your crop protection products and investment under pressure. It may even stop you spraying.
Find out more about the implications on coverage below and how you can improve it.
Key considerations related to spraying efficiency & effectiveness:
- Droplet size
- Size of your spray target
- Site location
- Density of crop canopy
- Sprayer set up – forward speed, boom height & nozzle selection
- Use of drift reduction technology, including chemical drift retardants
Spray drift

Drift Retardants & Adjuvants help combat drift

Timely on-target spray application is a key objective for effective pesticide applications, but even on a “good” spray day, drift may set you back. Adding a drift retardant in to the spray tank will help combat drift and keep your sprays on target.
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They’re not all muck and mystery! Master tank mix adjuvants and you’ll be able to select the right ones so you can push your pesticide performance to the max.
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