Aug 17 2023

Take weed control to the max with Backrow Max

Get the most from your pre-ems

With all residual herbicides vulnerable to the weather and challenging application conditions, keeping black-grass and other problem grassweeds at bay can feel like a never-ending battle. By adding Backrow Max to your pre-emergence herbicides, you can eek out more from your investment and take weed control to the max.

Take weed control to the max with Backrow Max

Backrow Max takes weed control to the max

Alongside firm, fine seedbeds and drilling to an even depth, sufficient herbicide activation and uptake in the soil is essential to residual performance. Together with crucial crop and groundwater safety benefits, Backrow Max is a valuable tool within the wider IPM strategy, to help optimise herbicide performance and minimise resistance.


Take weed control to the max with Backrow Max

Pushes pre-em performance to the limit

By optimising herbicide droplet size and binding to clay particles in the soil, Backrow Max not only enhances herbicide coverage, it also works to consistently maintain a lethal dose of active herbicide in the weed germination zone. This is particularly valuable in reducing the impact of a dry autumn/spring on herbicide performance and maximising crop safety/efficacy after periods of heavy rainfall.

With proven abilities versus competitor adjuvants, and efficacy benefits with the latest herbicides, Backrow Max really does help you push the performance of your pre-ems to the limit and take weed control to the max.

Take weed control to the max with Backrow Max


Strengthens the barrier against weed germination

Enhances herbicide coverage across the soil

Robust herbicide coverage across the soil is crucial for effective pre-em performance. Spray drift and clods can cause coverage weak spots allowing weeds to find a way through. Backrow Max enhances residual herbicide coverage across the soil surface, creating a stronger barrier to block weed germination:

  • Less drifty and bouncy droplets
  • More droplets in the optimum size range
  • More complete coverage of the soil

Take weed control to the max with adjuvant Backrow Max

Prolongs the weed control period in wet conditions

Increases residual activity

Herbicide retention in the top 5cm of the soil is crucial for residual activity. Residual herbicides typically have a limited lifespan in soil and their effectiveness can diminish over time with leaching out of the weed germination zone (top 5cm of soil). Heavy rainfall after application can speed up the leaching process, particularly in light soils.

Increasing herbicide retention in the top 5cm of soil – better than any other adjuvant on the market – Backrow Max increases residual activity, prolonging the weed control period. Research conducted with Luximo, clomazone and pendimethalin has shown:

  • 6% more Luximo retained in the top 5cm
  • 5% more clomazone retained in the top 5cm
  • 5% more pendimethalin retained in the top 5cm 

Superior weed control in wet conditions

Latest trials show Backrow Max can add valuable efficacy to the latest herbicides, delivering more effective weed control and reduced seed return. For example:

  • +12% black-grass control with Octavian Met + Pontos
  • +4% black-grass control with Luximo
  • +17% ryegrass control with Giddo + Bandur

Download our latest booklet here for the latest trials results

Safeguards plant heath against herbicide damage

Protects crop safety & establishment

Securing chemicals in the top 5cm of the soil is crucial to protect crop safety. Herbicides with high mobility and low adsorption to soil particles pose the biggest threat to crops and groundwater, particularly in lighter soils. But with heavy rainfall, all herbicides have the potential to leach to the crop seed, risking plant health and establishment.

Securing herbicides in the upper soil profile for longer, Backrow Max maximises crop safety, so crops get off to the strongest start. Trials have shown:

  • Up to 60% reduction in herbicide leaching
  • Chlorosis of 20% with herbicide, reduced to zero with addition of Backrow Max leading to extra 29 more wheat plants/m2

Take weed control to the max with Backrow Max

Boosts herbicide effectiveness in dry conditions

Take weed control to the max with Backrow Max

Lowers dependency on rainfall for activation & uptake

All residual herbicides require soil moisture for activation and uptake. In dry conditions there may be insufficient moisture to move residual herbicides to the weed zone and for absorption into germinating weeds.

Securing higher moisture levels in the weed germination zone in dry conditions, Backrow Max lowers dependency on rainfall for residual herbicide activation and uptake, enhancing herbicide effectiveness in dry conditions.

Take your weed control to the max with Backrow Max

Backrow Max not only ensures maximum placement of pre-ems where they are needed, it also helps ensure they work as hard, and for as long, as possible – so you get the most from your investment.

Our new booklet is packed full of trials data and info on how to apply Backrow Max – you can download it here.

Please get in touch with Stuart below if you have any questions and need help.

Backrow Max can be purchased through Agrii in the UK

Take weed control to the max with Backrow Max

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Require technical assistance or product information? Please get in touch with Will Ramsay.

For all other general enquiries, please email or call us at the office. If you’d prefer, drop us a message using our contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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